Work Package 1 mission is to provide turnkey methanol conversion kits as a retrofit solution for high speed and medium speed diesel engines (200kW-4000kW). Having retrofit kits available will help to quickly penetrate the market of existing diesel engines with clean technology.
- To develop a methanol dual-fuel retrofit solution (components and control system) for both high speed and medium speed engines, which also serve the demo WPs 2 and 4
- To demonstrate methanol dual-fuel retrofit solutions on engine test benches, in preparation of the solutions being demonstrated in marine environment (WPs 2 and 4)
- To demonstrate a methanol direct injection (with MD95) retrofit solution on an engine test bench, in preparation of the solution being demonstrated in marine environment (WP3)
- To assess the requirements for the conversion activities on the engine(s) in river cruise ships (input to WP5)
- Parametrization and optimization on engine test benches for both high speed and medium speed engines (optimization of performance, efficiency and emissions), serving WPs 2-3-4
- Prepare documentation for type approval of engines and engine components and systems, serving the demos in WPs 2-3-4
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