Contrescarpe 33
28203 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 33517-0
Fax: +49 421 33517-11
E-mail: balance@bal.eu
We are very pleased that our project is recognised as a success story by EU Science, Research and Innovation.
Have a read on the interesting article here. A big shoutout to all FASTWATER project partners, Advisory board members and everyone who supported our project!
After four years of research we are looking forward to sharing our results with you in our FINAL CONFERENCE on May 14th. Join us online and learn more about: - The Methanol retrofitting of our demo-cases - Experiences of day-today operation on Methanol - Next generation of Methanol engines - Methanol supply chain and availability - Our input to rules and regulations - GHG reduction potential of Methanol - Profitability of retrofit-solutions and so much more….
Register today under: https://analytics.clickdimensions.com/cn/akrca/launchmethatug
Alongside our General Assembly 8, FASTWATER project partners had the chance to visit the test bench of NTUA in Athens and see the Mercury engine converted to methanol up and running. Therewith our 3rd engine conversion to methanol is about to finalise thanks to a great job of our project partners National Technical University of Athens and Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG. After some additional tests, the engine will be installed into our 3rd demonstrator soon.
In addition, project partners discussed intermediate results and coordinate the next steps of the projects, including:
Interested in our upcoming launch events and the final conference? Stay tuned.
Contrescarpe 33
28203 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 33517-0
Fax: +49 421 33517-11
E-mail: balance@bal.eu